Banderola Lava, ribbon-shaped tone-on-tone

Banderola Lava from the Banderola series, a wave of flowers 

Completes the series of ribbon-shaped Pot Anthuriums (for now)! 

Banderola® Lava brings warmth and ambiance 

Following the introduction of the red Banderola® Roja and the white Banderola® Cava last year, production of Banderola® Lava has gained momentum this year. The most suitable pot size for cultivating Banderola Lava is pot size 12 or 14cm. It is likely that the variety can also be cultivated in pot size 9. 

Due to the abundance of flowers, Banderola® Lava stands out 

The exclusive appearance of Banderola Lava is enhanced by its dark red spadix. The abundant quantity of flowers on the plant only amplifies this effect. Banderola Lava tends to have double fused spadices and bracts, which is not perceived as disadvantageous by end users. It reinforces the sustainable and natural character of the variety. 

The ribbon shape in the Banderola® series is iconic 

The chain properties of Banderola are excellent. Good shelf life, cold tolerance (7°C during transport), heat tolerance, and leaf quality are all rated as good to excellent. 

The entire Banderola® series, characterized by ribbon-shaped flowers 

This third variant in the Banderola® series provides ample choice in ribbon-shaped Pot Anthuriums, and more colour variants are expected in the future.