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Ornamental Horticulture Also Suitable for Vertical Farming – Greentech 2024

We see great opportunities for the application of vertical farming in the cultivation of high-value plants. Although vertical farming is often associated with the cultivation of lettuce and leafy greens, Commercial Director Marco van Herk points out that this technology can be better utilized for the cultivation of high-value plants and in areas with challenging growing conditions. 

Anthura is now focusing on breeding varieties that thrive optimally in vertical farms, regardless of location. We offer sterile tissue culture plants to ensure disease-free cultivation. Our research shows that these varieties can also be successfully cultivated in less than ideal locations. 

“Our participation in Greentech 2024 was to seek partners who can supply and customize vertical farms to the specific needs of our plants,” says Van Herk. “This collaboration ensures that the technology is precisely tailored to the conditions, making high-quality cultivation feasible.” 

We want to emphasize the environmental benefits of local-for-local production. “Growing orchids locally in the Middle East, for example, significantly reduces CO2 emissions,” says Van Herk.


During Greentech 2024, we shared the results of our research and developments with visitors and engaged with chain partners to see how crops grown in a greenhouse differ from those grown in a vertical farm. This year, the focus was on lighting and the benefits of vertical farming in challenging climates: “Grow beautifully anywhere with Anthura.” 

Read more about this in this article.