Anthura Nazare wins Gold at the HTA National Plant Show

Anthura Nazare in 12cm

Phalaenopsis Anthura Nazare has won a gold prize at the prestigious National Plant Show of the Horticultural Trades Association. The entry was submitted by Javado together with Anthura. These awards are granted to the most innovative and remarkable newcomers in the assortment. 


Arrangement with winner Anthura Nazare 

The prize winners have the potential to become highly successful products in the garden center sector. In total, there are 7 categories. Nazare won in the category of flowering houseplants. Unfortunately, the overall award in this category just passed by Nazare. 

Manta® Palau wins Silver in the flowering houseplants category 

In addition to Nazare, also submitted and well-rated were Phalaenopsis Manta® Palau (Silver award) and Anthurium Banderola® Cava (Bronze award). Thus, the Anthura assortment had a very nice podium at this leading English trade fair. 

Banderola® Cava won the bronze award