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Poniżej umieszczamy listę dostępnych plików:

Anthurium cut flowers assortment – 2024/2025
Anthurium pot plant assortment – 2024/2025
Phalaenopsis pot plant assortment – 2024/2025

Trade Brochure
Przewodnik po uprawie Anturium cięte

Cultivation guide
Cultivation guide Anthurium pot plants and Phalaenopsis pot plants

  1. Cultivation guide Phalaenopsis pot plants 

Cultivation guide Anthurium cut flowers
Two cultivation manuals are available for the cultivation of Anthurium cut flowers. This split is made because growing conditions and availability of raw materials and/or supplies can differ. In addition, climate also plays a role. Cultivation in a temperate climate zone requires a different approach than cultivation in a tropical area or a dry desert climate.

  1. Cultivation guide Anthurium cut flowers – inside EU
  2. Cultivation guide Anthurium cut flowers – outside EU

In addition to the cultivation guide, you can contact our account managers for advice on setting up an Anthurium or Phalaenopsis cultivation.

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