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FlowerTrials 2024, will you visit us?

Will you pay us a visit during the FlowerTrials? We hope to meet you! During FlowerTrials, we present promising varieties, sparkling novelties and inspiring concepts. In our show greenhouse, you will be immersed in a sea of enchanting Orchids, breathtaking Anthuriums and beautiful Bromeliads. We cordially invite you to take a look here during the FlowerTrials. Let’s discuss together what choices you have to be well-positioned for now and in the future. Of course, we will also take care of the inner man, so count on a good cup of coffee and a delicious lunch.

Opening hours
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (13 – 15 June 2022): 08:00 – 18:00
Friday (16 June): 08.00 – 15.00 hours

Flower Trials location
Anthuriumweg 14, 2665 KV in Bleiswijk

Flower Trials 2016

Free online registration
Pre-registering online for the Flower Trials is easy and admission is free. Click here to register now FlowerTrials 2024: don’t miss it!

You can find the novelties that will be highlighted during the FlowerTrials below. We hope to welcome you; the coffee will be ready in any case!

Graceful Orchids
Our specialism in Phalaenopsis has worldwide sales, where we breed for strong external and internal qualities.

The intense warm yellow colour of Manta® Palau is downright unique, making the variety a truly special appearance. In addition, the variety performs very well for the yellow colour in terms of 2-branch percentage and number of buds. With a shelf life of more than 9 weeks for the colour yellow, this puts this variety at the top.

Manta® Palau

Anthura Dijon is highly productive in the copper flower segment, making it suitable for both the retail and specialist trade sectors. Because of the long branches there is always plenty of length on the plant, making it easy to handle.

Anthura Middlesbrough falls into the high-quality white category: beautiful 11 cm closed white flowers, stunningly arranged on the long spikes. This also makes the variety suitable for bending as a cascade. It has a shelf life of 13 weeks. In addition, the variety grows easily and has a nice upright leaf position.

With a high percentage of 3,4 and 5 branch and as many as 50-60 flowers with 7 cm diameter, consumers are treated to a real bunch of flowers with Anthura Antwerp! The soft pink flowers with red lip are attractive and have an average vase life of no less than 13 weeks. Due to the compact height of 40-45 cm, the variety also fits well on a table or in the window, and a high loading rate is achieved. The variety is suitable for pot sizes 9 and 12 cm.

Anthura Antwerp

Sunca® is the series name for Phalaenopsis varieties with an intense yellow lip. With the intense yellow lips, we bring the sunshine into consumers’ homes. The name Sunca means sun in Croatian and refers to the beautiful sunsets in this country.

Sunca® varieties

Tarantula® is the series name for the Encyclia varieties marketed by Anthura. Encyclias are exclusive orchids for the small pot size with playful ‘spider-like’ flowers. This is the link to the name Tarantula. Tarantula® Yellow is a yellow Encyclia. An orange and a lemon-coloured Tarantula will also be released in two years’ time.

Colourful Anthurium
In the spotlight this year are no fewer than eleven colourful Anthurium pot plants! Powerful varieties that stand out through colour, size and quality and have been voted favourites.

Banderola® cannot be compared to a traditional Anthurium pot plant. In short, a variety in a completely new segment in Anthurium pot plants. Indeed, Banderola is the segment for ribbon-flowered potanthuriums.

Banderola® series

The white variety in this new series sparkles with cheerfulness and freshness. The addition Banderola® Cava is appropriate: this plant fizzes like the sparkling wine of the same name. Its exuberant blooms of white, upright flowers and pointed leaves make it a unique appearance.

Banderola® Roja is the red variety in this new series, which stands out for its large number of flowers per plant and its exuberant flowering. The ribbon shape of the flowers is highly visible and clearly adds value. Several colours of red are available in this series.

Banderola® Roja

Banderola® Lava has a warm feel and the tone-on-tone colour scheme of the flower and bract reinforces that feeling. The name Lava was chosen for a reason. This red variety stands out because of the large number of flowers per plant and its exuberant flowering.

Anthurium Art, even in the small pot sizes this piece of art can be found. With Livium® Red Micro, the series shows already a third variant, this time for pot sizes 7 and 9 cm. Livium Red Micro is richly filled with flowers and thus provides an exuberant bloom.

Livium® Red Micro

Anthurium Art! With Livium® Brillante, a Livium® type has been found for the most universal 12cm pot. These pencil strokes have succeeded well, as the flower has a ‘real’ contrast of red with white veins. The flowers are already present from the bottom, making for a very well-filled plant. Furthermore, the plant has a compact structure of leaf and flower.

Artica® is named with a nod to Antartica. The snow-white landscape symbolises the snow-white flowers of this compact variety with dark green leaves. A nice plant structure ensures a beautiful presentation and fits the trend of compact plants for the larger pot sizes.


The snow-white flowers and the name Everest make you immediately think of the ever-snowy Mount Everest. In small pot sizes, this is an excellent alternative to take the cultivation performance to great heights. The structure of Everest® is beautiful and in the ‘Small the next BIG thing’ series, this white topper is a wonderful addition.


This cream-coloured, almost yellow anthurium is a very fresh appearance due to the large number of flowers. In pot sizes 7 and 9, Limonetti® is a cooling addition like a limoncello ice cream on a summer day.

In the colour combination white with purple, Laguna® is unique and for the larger pot sizes this colour is completely new in the range. The colour combination results in a holiday feeling; ‘Laguna’ literally means bay. Bring this plant into your home and imagine yourself on holiday.

The colour combination of pink, red and green makes you associate Sunset® with the setting sun on a beautiful summer’s day. Lovely to enjoy. A warm and exotic look that enhances the living room. Thanks to its compact structure, you can always find a spot to create this feeling with this plant.

Smaragd® is a special gemstone that promotes friendship and creates unity. So is this pot anthurium for the smallest pot sizes. A very friendly and accessible colour that promotes unity in the segment. Adding Emerald to the mix makes the entire colour mix of plants stronger.

Trendy cut anthurium
This impressive purple anthurium flower Impreza® is 60-70 cm long and keeps for over 3 weeks. The warm purple glow ensures that this flower is always a treat to use in a bouquet or arrangement. The cold tolerance for 48 hours during transport at 4 degrees Celsius is good.


Punta Licosa, named after the siren Leucosia from Homer’s epic, exudes an idyllic atmosphere with its colour palette of green, pink and white – just like the Anthurium cut flower Licosa®. The name ‘Licosa’ harmoniously links the mythical background with the vibrant colours of this flower, which together embody timeless charm.

The newcomer Cerato® adds warmth to any bouquet or application for which it is used. The dark red colour of the flowers and the tone-on-tone coloured spadix create a pleasant, warm look. The flowers are cup-shaped and can be used very decoratively, either in a bouquet or individually. Cerato is highly suitable for producing long stems. Excellent vase life with a tested result of more than three weeks.


Caldonia® is a beautiful red cup-shaped flower with white veins. Incorporating these flowers into floral arrangements ensures a beautiful result.

Camina® blooms with its vibrant leaves and colourful pink flowers, reminiscent of a walk through nature and giving the feeling of the beauty of a lush rainforest.
