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Out with the old, in with the new!

Blooming rebranding

It is finally here! We are proud to announce that we are about to write a new chapter in our history. In recent months, together with colleagues, customers and partners, we have dived deep into our core and reflected on our essence. In a constantly changing world, we are determined to keep evolving and innovating for a positive impact on the world. This has led to a sharpening of our strategy. The rebranding reflects this.

But first 
Anthura, with its 80-plus years of experience, has developed as the expert in breeding Anthurium and Orchids, and recently Bromeliads have been added to the portfolio. It is in our DNA to constantly raise the bar and you are driven to do better every day. By working closely together – both internally and externally – we can stay ahead in the market. Only together with you, our customers and our partners, we can make the most beautiful product and make the world more beautiful with our plants and flowers in a sustainable way.

Blooming renewal
This strategic repositioning does not just include a new visual identity. With the launch of the new slogan ‘Creating blooming happiness’, we are undergoing a blooming renewal. The choice of this inspiring slogan reflects our mission not only to supply young plant material, but also to make the world more beautiful and let everyone – anywhere in the world – enjoy Anthuriums, Bromeliads and Orchids. 

Marco van Herk, Commercial Director: “Our rebranding is a reflection of our conviction to strive together to make a positive impact on the world around us. With ‘Creating blooming happiness’, we want to bring happiness to everyone who brings an Anthura flowering plant or flower into their home.” 

Upcoming months 
During 2024, we will gradually transition to the renewed brand identity with the accompanying new visual identity. In the coming months, we will inform you via our socials on a daily basis. So be sure to follow us on our social media channels for updates. 

For more information about the rebranding, please contact the marketing department.