
  • Gert Hoogendoorn Commercial Manager
  • Robert Kuijf Product Manager Orchid
  • Frank Verhoogt Account Manager

    The Netherlands, South-East Asia, Oceania

  • Laura Roodzant Account Manager Orchid

    The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Poland

  • Johan van Vliet Account Manager Orchid, Account- Product Manager Bromeliad

    The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Turkey

  • Siem Kranenburg Account Manager Orchid

    The Netherlands

  • Joost Hendriks Account Manager Orchid

    USA, Canada, Brasil

  • Stefan de Hoog Product Manager Anthurium
  • Jos Akerboom Account Manager

    Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dom Rep, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Puerto Rico, Brazil, India

  • Marco Knijnenburg Account Manager

    Latin America, South Africa

  • Steven Scheer Jr. Accountmanager

    The Netherlands, Canada, America

  • Steven van den Bosch Jr. Accountmanager

    The Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Poland

  • Cilia Wolff Sales Support

    Italy, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Reunion, South and Central America

  • Carlo Prins Sales support

    The Netherlands, Germany, Turkey, South-East Asia and the Middle East

  • Roy Verstappen Sales Support

    The Netherlands, USA, CAN, Brazil

  • Lieke Persoon-Landman Sales Support, Sales support

    The Netherlands, France and Asia

  • Iwan van der Knaap Board of directors
  • Marco van Herk Board of directors
  • Mark van der Knaap Board of directors
  • De Plantis S.r.l. Distributors


  • Florance Flora Distributors


  • Hakusan Co. Ltd. Distributors


  • Karis Trading Plants Distributors


  • KMS Japan Distributors


  • Korea

  • Thailand

  • Stigma Distributors


  • TopPlants Distributors


  • Yamada Nurseries Inc. Distributors
